Protean is a Discipline that gives vampires the ability to change form, from growing feral claws to transforming into a hulking bestial form.
Associated Powers:
Level 1: Gain a powerful set of claws capable of dealing 20Clone damage with 100 armor-piercing that take both hand slots for some time.
Level 2: Gain a powerful setaws capable of dealing 20 Clone damage with 100 armor-piercing that take both hand slots for some time as well as a small move speed boost.
Level 3: Shapeshift into a predatory warform with 40% increased move speed. Attacks in this shape deal 40 brute damage. All warforms possess the following effects: immunity to fire, mental disciplines, and stuns in addition to 100% armor-piercing. Protean warforms also possess separate sprites for female and male characters. (Bug) Transforming deletes your languages, and de-transforming will delete held items.
Level 4: Shapeshift into an even more powerful predatory warform with 60% increased move speed. Attacks in this form deal 45 brute damage.
Level 5: Shapeshift into the ultimate predatory warform with 80% increased move speed. Attacks in this form deal 55 brute damage. (Bug) Transforming will make you a make you male if you were previously female.
Protean Warforms are highly effective against Garou due to Werewolf reliance on armor (which 100 AP negates) and their relatively small health pool despite their 0.75 reduction to brute damage. Furthermore, the Warform is faster and more maneuverable than the Garou Crinos form. Kindred typically have a larger health pool and a 0.5 reduction to Brute, reducing Protean 5 attacks to 27 damage, which is negligible to lower generation Vampires.