Answering to the Voivode-in-Waiting, The Old Clan maintains a Mansion on the outskirts of town.
They are so ancient that even the oldest legends speak only of their childer. They are the Old Clan, the True Tzimisce, and all the Tzimisce of the Sabbat and the Camarilla are their betrayers. Their childer abandoned the lineage of the Tzimisce and embraced the power of Vicissitude; their ways of anarchy brought ruin and death to both the innocent and the guilty of their clan.
There are very few Old Clan Tzimisce, and each has sired only a few progeny. They all cling to the old ways of the clan and long for the day their clan sire will return. They continue to hope that one night they will be around to exact revenge upon the traitors of their blood and upon all possessed by Vicissitude.
Many of the younger clan members are leaders in the war against Vicissitude. In the vain hope of regaining clan honor by eliminating the corruption their clan brought to this world, they were the first to call for the Shadow Crusade and have remained its strongest supporters. Despite their dislike of the "Tzimisce," the Old Clan Tzimisce are much like their childer. They are among the most macabre and evil beings in the world. They place little value on the lives (and unlives) of others. Yet despite this, they are vigilant in their vows to save the world from the threats of Vicissitude and other Kindred. They also have a great love of knowledge. They have a good understanding of both Thaumaturgy and science. They are also known for the high value they place upon privacy.
Clan Bane
Old Clan Tzimisce much like modern Tzimisce must carry a sack of soil from their home country.