Daimonion encompasses the dark arts of the Baali. Through the use of Daimonion, the Baali draw upon the forces of Hell and its demons to strengthen themselves and overwhelm their enemies with cunning, Infernal mysteries.
Associated Powers:
Level 1: Your skin takes on a bronze-glint, making you virtually immune to fire damage. This lasts for a short time and has a cool down. Furthermore, even if you are not actively burning you will take damage from being overly hot following deactivation.
Level 2: Briefly gain a pair of wings with which to take flight. After unfurling your wings, use the IC tab to Move Up and Move Down. This lasts for about 30 seconds after activation.
Level 3: Transform your hands into demonic claws, dealing 20 Clone damage per hit with 100 AP: equivalent to Protean 1. An Infernalist of this skill level has learned how to conjure a fireball of green, unholy flame which can be cast at any time.
Level 4: Transform into a swarm of bats for about 12 seconds, capable of flight at high speeds.
Level 5: Gain the ability to make a demonic contract, sending your Beast to the depths of hell, which you immunity from Rotshriek and Frenzy. Performing this gives you a very distinctively Diabolic aura under Auspex that will last for the rest of the round.