Temporis is the signature Discipline of the True Brujah, supposedly a refinement of Celerity, Temporis grants the Cainite the ability to manipulate the flow of time itself.
Associated Powers:
Level 1: Gain a perfect internal clock, allowing you to always know the current time.
Level 2: Can be casted at a target to trap them in a time loop for 8 seconds, returning them to their initial location and health when it was casted every 2 seconds.
Level 3: Inflicts a time-based curse upon the target, severely slowing down their movement speed for 10 seconds.
Level 4: Gain Cowalker, the ability to stop time for a moment to appear in two places at once. Effectively, you gain several afterimages that follow you as you move for better evasion in combat, works on dodging bullets too.
Level 5: Gain Clotho's Gift, the ability to accelerate your frame through time to move and make unarmed attacks extremely fast, enabling you to dodge bullets.