Caitiff is a complicated term with two general meanings. The first meaning is more of a political term: those of a flawed or unknown lineage, who have been abandoned by their sires. It is not so much that they lack a Clan as they lack the support that comes with the Clan structure. It carries the implication that they were a mistake by their sire. Many of these unfortunates are considered Caitiff simply because they do not know which Clan they come from, because they had not been told. It is an arbitrary title and may refer more specifically to any outcast.
The second and more biologically-oriented Caitiff, also known as the clanless, are rare Cainites that do not officially belong to any clan. These vampires have no inherent clan weakness, but no inherent disciplines as well. None of the typical clan markers apply to them. Although the Caitiff have manifested throughout history, they tend to do so more frequently among the higher generations, such that the terms "Caitiff" and "Thin-blooded" are often considered synonymous. While there is considerable overlap, not all Caitiff are thin-bloods.
You get to choose!
The options are as follows, while also being able to purchase the ones you didn't choose as part of your original 3 for 10 exp each.
- Animalism - Supernatural affinity with and control of animals.
- Auspex - Extrasensory perception, awareness, and premonitions.
- Celerity - Supernatural quickness and reflexes..
- Dominate - Mind control practiced through the piercing gaze.
- Fortitude - Unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight.
- Obfuscate - The ability to remain obscure and unseen, even in crowds.
- Potence - The Discipline of physical vigor and strength.
- Presence - The ability to attract, sway, and control crowds.
Caitiff quote of the day -
DIABLERISE YOURSELF!! Wait, no that's my job.