In the (comparatively) little time since their founding, the Warlocks have made incredible inroads within vampiric society and are arguably the most powerful clan in the modern nights. This is due in no small part to their strict hierarchy, secretive nature, and mastery of Thaumaturgy, all of which elicit suspicion, fear, and respect from other Cainites. The Warlocks stand as a pillar of the Camarilla and are one of its main defenders, despite the fact that they exist almost as a subsect. Some even go so far as to consider themselves the evolution of vampirism, citing their extreme versatility of blood magic and lack of a true clan curse. The Final Nights have many things in store for the Tremere, however, and the more powerful they grow, the more their enemies gather – and in their bid for power, the Tremere have accumulated more enemies than most.
Also, they aren't technically a clan to some, as they are really only born from the diablerie of Saulot of the Salubri clan, whom they subsequently purged, so get ready for that conversation if you meet someone who isn't camarilla, and doesn't particuarly like such 'usurpers'.
Clan Bane
Tremere have no Clan Curse, but are expected to be blood bound to and serve The Pyramid.