15 January 2025
- 13:3513:35, 15 January 2025 diff hist +855 N Baali Created page with "The Baali are a bloodline of vampires associated with demon worship. Because of their affinity with the unholy, the Baali are particularly vulnerable to holy iconography, shuddering with fright and entering holy ground such as the church causes them to immediately catch aflame. They are highly vulnerable to True Faith. They have a somewhat complex heritage, appearing at times as a bloodline and at times as a clan, as a proper practicioner who has made bargains with demon..." Tag: Visual edit
- 13:1613:16, 15 January 2025 diff hist +3,681 N Clans Created page with "'''Clan''' is a term used by vampires to describe the major groups of Cainites who share common characteristics passed on by the blood. There are 13 known clans, each of which was reputedly founded by an Antediluvian, a member of the mythical Third Generation. Many of these clans also contain distinct ''Bloodlines'', offshoots of the main clan with lineages that have some inherent distinction from the thirteen traditional clans, be it in their weaknesses, Disciplines, o..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:2712:27, 15 January 2025 diff hist +20 Guides No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:2612:26, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,854 N Vicissitude Created page with "Vicissitude is the trademark Discipline of Clan Tzimisce, it is widely known as their art of flesh and bone shaping. Associated Powers: Using Vicissitude on a living target can be performed from up to 2 tiles in range for an attack that deals massive and scaling Brute damage depending on Discipline level used. Using Vicissitude on a corpse will deconstruct it, yielding guts and organs. The quality and amount of viscera obtained greatly scales with the Discipline level..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:2512:25, 15 January 2025 diff hist +92 Disciplines added links to all the disciplines Tag: Visual edit
- 12:2212:22, 15 January 2025 diff hist +21 Guides No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:2012:20, 15 January 2025 diff hist +683 N Valeren Created page with "Valeren is the mystical Discipline of the Salubri. At its most basic, Valeren provides control over pain and healing ability, seemingly allowing healers to provide succor to the wounded and broken. Associated Powers: Level 1: Scan a target's vitals. Level 2: Gain the ability to make a grabbed Kindred drowsy or make a mortal fall completely asleep for 30 seconds to enable Feeding. Level 3: Heals a target for 50 damage. Level 4: Heals a target for about 65 damage, als..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:1612:16, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,486 N Thaumaturgy Created page with "Thaumaturgy is the closely guarded form of blood magic practiced by the vampiric clan Tremere. Associated Powers: Level 1: Fire a Blood Bolt that deals decent Burn damage to the target. Gain access to the Selfgib, Blood Trap, Identification, and Blood to Water Runes. Level 2: Fire a Blood Bolt that deals decent Burn damage to the target. Gain access to the Blood Wall Rune. Level 3: Fire a Blood Bolt that deals decent Burn damage to the target. Gain the ability to use..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0912:09, 15 January 2025 diff hist +995 N Serpentis Created page with "Serpentis is the trademark Discipline of the Followers of Set clan. It primarily provides shapechanging abilities, though it also encompasses corruption and other characteristics associated with snakes. Associated Powers: Level 1: Gain the ability to stun people with a glance. Additionally Gain Shadow Eyes, an ability with several toggles to adjust from Off to increasingly brighter as Set's powers allow you to pierce through darkness. Level 2: Whip out your tongue to..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0612:06, 15 January 2025 diff hist +762 N Quietus Created page with "Quietus is the signature Discipline of the Banu Haqim, also known as the Assamites, that grants them influence over the blood of others. Associated Powers: Level 1: Mutes everybody up to 7 tiles away for a few seconds. Level 2: Gain a one-use melee attack that knocks the target down for a couple seconds, inflicting some burn and severe stamina damage to the target. Level 3: Inflicts a curse on the last target you attacked, dealing some burn and massive stamina damage..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0412:04, 15 January 2025 diff hist +715 N Protean Created page with "Protean is a Discipline that gives vampires the ability to change form, from growing feral claws to evaporating into a cloud of mist. Associated Powers: Level 1: Gain a powerful set of claws capable of dealing decent Clone damage that take both hand slots for some time. Level 2: Gain an even more powerful set of claws capable of dealing severe Clone damage that take both hand slots for some time. Level 3: Shapeshift into a predatory warform with enhanced speed and st..." Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0312:03, 15 January 2025 diff hist −76 Dementation No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0212:02, 15 January 2025 diff hist +199 Dementation No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0212:02, 15 January 2025 diff hist +23 Dominate No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 12:0112:01, 15 January 2025 diff hist +783 N Presence Created page with "Presence is the Discipline of supernatural allure and emotional manipulation which allows Kindred to attract, sway, and control crowds. In game terms, Presence will roll the user's Social stat vs the victim's Mental stat. The victim wins ties. It cannot affect Kindred who are 3 Generations or more lower than the user. Associated Powers: Level 1: Shouts COME HERE!! Force a target to follow you for about a few seconds. Level 2: Shouts REST!! Force a target to lay down o..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5611:56, 15 January 2025 diff hist +902 N Potence Created page with "Potence is the Discipline that endows vampires with physical vigor and preternatural strength. Vampires with the Potence Discipline possess physical prowess beyond mortal bounds. Associated Powers: Using Potence grants the user a damage bonus to their melee attacks, scaling based on the Discipline level used. You can bash doors down of lockpick difficulty up to 2x your currently activated level of Potence. Level 1: You gain the ability to perform a tackle, which has..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:5411:54, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,527 N Obtenebration Created page with "Obtenebration is the trademark Discipline of clan Lasombra which is the unearthly control over shadows. It is related to the practice of Abyss Mysticism within the clan. Associated Powers: Level 1: Gain Control Shadows, this can be cast on yourself or on a target, coating the area around them in shadows that follow them as they move. Gain Shadow Eyes, an ability with several toggles to adjust from Off to increasingly brighter as shadow powers allow you to pierce throug..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:4711:47, 15 January 2025 diff hist +594 N Obfuscate Created page with "Obfuscate is a Discipline that allows vampires to conceal themselves, deceive the mind of others, or make them ignore what the user does not want to be seen. Associated Powers: Level 1: Remain almost completely invisible so long as you don't move for 10 seconds. Level 2: Remain almost completely invisible while retaining the ability to walk (not run) for 20 seconds. Level 3-5: Remain almost completely invisible while retaining the ability to run for a duration that g..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:4511:45, 15 January 2025 diff hist +811 N Necromancy Created page with "Necromancy is a form of blood magic that deals exclusively with the world of the dead: wraiths and the Shadowlands. Associated Powers: Using Necromancy grants a 2-tile range attack that deals scaling Brute damage depending on Discipline level used. This effect also gibs corpses to produce organs. Level 1: Gibs a corpse to create a Ghost minion. Level 2: Gibs a corpse to create a Shambling Zombie minion. Gain the ability to see ghosts, this costs about 1 blood point p..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:4311:43, 15 January 2025 diff hist +730 N Melpominee Created page with "The Melpominee Discipline appeared simultaneously with the Daughters of Cacophony and is intrinsically linked to that bloodline. It allows its possessors to use speech and song for a variety of supernatural effects. Associated Powers: Level 1: Lets you make people appear to say anything, but witnesses roll their Mentality to realise that it wasn't them saying it, with difficulty depending on various factors. Level 2: Allows you to project your voice to anyone in the c..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:4211:42, 15 January 2025 diff hist +225 N Fortitude Created page with "Fortitude is a Discipline that grants Kindred unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight. Associated Powers: Levels 1-5: Gain a scaling armor buff for several seconds that reduces incoming damage." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:4111:41, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,157 N Dominate Created page with "Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the vampire's decree. In game terms, Dominate will roll the user's Social stat vs the victim's Mental stat. It cannot affect Kindred who's Generation is lower than the user. Associated Powers: === Base Abilities: === Having even the first level of Dominate grants access to the Voice of God ability. You'll talk with a <big>HEAVY TONE</big>..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:3611:36, 15 January 2025 diff hist +548 N Dementation Created page with "Dementation draws on the vampire's own insanity and uses it to achieve profound insights or inflict madness upon others. Associated Powers: Level 1: Forces the target to laugh and collapse on the ground momentarily. Level 2: Forces the target to in a random direction and fall to the ground stunned for about 10 seconds. Level 3: Forces the target to spin in place, stunned for about 5 seconds. Level 4: Forces the target to laugh and collapse on the ground for about 5..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:3511:35, 15 January 2025 diff hist +256 N Celerity Created page with "Celerity is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural quickness and reflexes. Associated Powers: Levels 1-5: Grants a boost to movement and attack speed. Significantly increases unarmed attack speed. Duration and effect scales with Discipline Level." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:3311:33, 15 January 2025 diff hist +688 N Auspex Created page with "Auspex is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural senses. Associated Powers: Auspex grants the user the ability to see in the dark and other creatures through walls temporarily, with the duration increasing based on Discipline level. Level 1: Base Discipline abilities. Level 2: Gain the ability to percieve Auras. Level 3: Gain the ability to read the healthbars of creatures. Level 4: Gain the ability to read the fingerprints off of objects. Level 5: Gain th..." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:2611:26, 15 January 2025 diff hist +73 Animalism No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 11:2511:25, 15 January 2025 diff hist +40 Animalism No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 11:2411:24, 15 January 2025 diff hist +447 N Animalism Created page with "Animalism is a Discipline that brings the vampire closer to their animalistic nature. This not only allows them to communicate with and gain dominance over creatures of nature, but gives them influence over the Beast itself. Associated Powers: Level 1: Summon a rat minion. Level 2: Summon a cat minion. Level 3: Summon a dog minion. Level 4: Summon a bat minion which drains the blood or vitae of the target. Level 5: Shapeshift into a rat." Tag: Visual edit
- 11:2311:23, 15 January 2025 diff hist +2,434 N Disciplines Created page with "Discipline is a term used by vampires to describe their supernatural powers. The origin of the vampiric powers modernly known as Disciplines is unknown, however, but many believe they are gifts from ''Caine'' or ''Lilith'', and a few Antediluvians are thought to have invented unique Disciplines that have been passed down through their childer. Others believe them to be inborn powers inherent to the undead body. Aside from their inherent immortal condition, the ability..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:4910:49, 15 January 2025 diff hist +4 Guides No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:4910:49, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,561 N Humanity Created page with "<big>'''What is a Man?'''</big> The Path of Humanity is a measure of how closely a vampire clings to the morality and values of mortal life, and consequently how well they are able to resist the urges of the Beast. There are many ways a Vampire will attempt to combat their Beast. Maintaining a connection to that which once made them human in the form of Humanity is the most common, but others adopt a far more alien mindset - shifting their code of ethics and morals to..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3910:39, 15 January 2025 diff hist +4 Lore No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3810:38, 15 January 2025 diff hist +77 Guides No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3710:37, 15 January 2025 diff hist +33 Roles No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3610:36, 15 January 2025 diff hist +4 Taxi Driver No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3610:36, 15 January 2025 diff hist +768 N Priest Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Priest|difficulty=easy|superior=God|clans=All Characters|duties=Hold services and funerals, preach for the sinners of the world to repent.|guides=}} == Life in San Francisco == As the residing Priest of whatever religion it is you follow, it is your duty to ensure the populace of San Francisco maintains fidelity and piety in these trying times. == How..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3410:34, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,174 N Taxi Driver Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Citizen|difficulty=easy|superior=US Justice System|clans=All Characters|duties=Drive folks around town.|guides=}} == You Drive == You are a simple Taxi Driver. Starting with a car, a tire iron to repair it, and a dream. You will lurk on street corners and do your best to convince people to get inside for a ride. Try not to hit any cats in the road! ==..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:3110:31, 15 January 2025 diff hist +197 Citizen No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2510:25, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,141 N Citizen Created page with "Access: A room at Hotel "Cock Roach" Chance of Surviving the Night: High Duties: Try to make a living on your own. == Life in San Francisco == You are a simple Citizen of the City of San Francisco. You are are not a part of any greater organizations. Free to explore the city at your leisure, it is up to you to make whatever choices you deem fit. Just try not to anger any of the organizations that claim dominion over the city, as they may try to sway you to their cause..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2410:24, 15 January 2025 diff hist +3,905 N Beginning Lore Created page with "On the third day of Feburary, 2004, San Francisco was showered in debris. A bomb was detonated on the 26th floor of the Transamerica Pyramid. The blast was sufficiently powerful enough to send the entire building careening into the ground, all but snapping the thing in half. And, as far as the mortals of San Francisco and the world beyond was concerned, that was that. A terrorist attack that caused a tragedy, yet another casualty of the War on Terror, forgotten in the e..." current Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2210:22, 15 January 2025 diff hist −590 New Players No edit summary Tag: Visual edit
- 10:2210:22, 15 January 2025 diff hist +8,070 N New Players Created page with " == What is WoD13? == WoD13 is short for World of Darkness 13, our server is based on the tabletop setting by White Wolf Publishing known as World of Darkness. Using BYOND's popular game Space Station 13 as the base, we seek to craft a rich unique and modern gothic-punk horror experience. == Before Playing == It is important to read our Rules page before playing. The page isn't very long and will help ensure you don't fall into any common pitfalls as a new player. T..." Tag: Visual edit
- 10:1910:19, 15 January 2025 diff hist +1,084 Main Page rough site skeleton Tag: Visual edit
- 10:0710:07, 15 January 2025 diff hist +34 Main Page basic site navigation skeleton made Tag: Visual edit
- 10:0710:07, 15 January 2025 diff hist +115 N Lore rough skeleton Tag: Visual edit
- 09:5709:57, 15 January 2025 diff hist +895 N Roles created roles table skeleton Tag: Visual edit
- 09:3209:32, 15 January 2025 diff hist +779 N Guides Guide skeleton added Tag: Visual edit
- 09:0609:06, 15 January 2025 diff hist −21 Main Page Rules link instead for now Tag: Visual edit
- 08:5608:56, 15 January 2025 diff hist +2,755 N Rules Added Rules current Tag: Visual edit
- 08:5508:55, 15 January 2025 diff hist +34 Main Page Trying to add Rules button Tag: Visual edit