What is WoD13?
WoD13 is short for World of Darkness 13, our server is based on the tabletop setting by White Wolf Publishing known as World of Darkness. Using BYOND's popular game Space Station 13 as the base, we seek to craft a rich unique and modern gothic-punk horror experience.
Before Playing
It is important to read our Rules page before playing. The page isn't very long and will help ensure you don't fall into any common pitfalls as a new player. The admin team generally gives tries to give players the benefit of the doubt, so it's okay to make mistakes. Try not to repeat them once you've been warned of something by one.
One last point: please, remember the human behind the screen. Everyone is here to play a game they enjoy, so keep that in mind before you bash a vampire into critical condition without any blood points and leave them incapable of healing, unable to interact for the rest of the round. Try to either restrain them in a way that lets them continue to interact with the scene, feed them your vitae to gain a servant and effectively disarm their ability to harm you, or simply hurry up and put them out of their misery Permanently.
Joining the Game
Make your way to the BYOND download page and download the client. Once you've downloaded, installed, and logged into the client, go ahead and select Open and paste the server address into the top bar beside Browse.
Server address
Your First Game
Once you've connected to the server, you'll be greeted by the main menu/title screen.
If this is your first time playing on WoD13, you'll probably want to create a character. Click on the Setup Character button, and the character creation menu will open.
You can go ahead and ignore the Quirks menu for now, and the simplest Role to start out with would be the Citizen - making you an unaligned player free to make your own choices and forge your own path into the World of Darkness.
Your first choice will be to decide what Species you want to be, whether you are a normal Human, a Ghoul, or one of the Kindred. After that you will choose the type of Archetype you wish to start out as, this determines your starting Attributes and some provide some additional bonuses.
If you picked Kindred for your species, you will next need to decide on your Clan. Each one comes with their own set of Disciplines, and should you wish you can decide on and pick up a 4th Discipline either now or later when you feel it appropriate. For beginners, Clans Brujah or Toreador are recommended, as the Presence Discipline makes it significantly easier to draw humans towards you for feeding.
After that it's time to decide how to spend your Starting Experience, whether it be on increasing your Attributes, Generation, Disciplines, or even just saving them up if you please.
Completing all that you can scroll further down the Character Creation screen to determine if you would like to have Relationships and Ambitions enabled.
Relationships will pick a random other player who also has the same option enabled to be your Friend, Enemy, or Lover. It's up to the two of you to determine what the exact history between you two is and keep that in mind as you interact with them. Ambitions will give you a randomized goal that upon completing will grant you some Experience. Good luck in fulfilling them!
Once you've made your character, go ahead and press Join Game and get into the action!
City Maps
Once you arrive in San Francisco, you will notice the city is quite sprawling and navigation may prove difficult. Conveniently, there are several City Maps located outside several buildings, clicking on one will bring up a Map that shows your current location as well as where various points of interest are. Go ahead and make your way to any of them. The most popular tend to be the "Big Shoe" Bar (The Bottle and shot glass) and The Hospital (The Caduceus east of it).
About Me
Along the way, you may notice your HUD has several elements to it. Let's begin with the one on the topleft of your screen, it should look like a face. This is your About Me button. The About Me will give you a brief overview of your stats, inform you about whether or not you have any Masquerade Breaches, a general sense of what your Humanity or Enlightenment is at, as well as any contacts you might start with in your cellphone.

The Main HUD
The next element of your HUD will be on the left side. The upper portion are your equipment slots. Beneath them are your hands, the red circle indicates your active hand. Beneath that is your Blood Pool, represented by a red orb which fuels your vampiric abilities. After that are several labeled buttons for various uses. Below that, are the targeting doll for where you wish to aim, the intents to swap between Help, Disarm, Grab, and Harm, and finally the anatomical heart represents your health and will look worse as you suffer damage until healed. Try not to die!
Drinking Blood
As you use your Blood Pool to heal, increase your strength, or fuel your Disciplines, it will become drained and need to be refilled.
Your most important button amongst the others on the left side is the Bite button, pressing this button after taking a suitable vessel such as people or animals in an aggressive grab in order to feed as a vampire. You can also click on yourself with a prepackaged blood pack in-hand to drink it. This is how to refill your Blood Pool, enabling usage of your various abilities. Be careful of how much you drink, draining a human to near-or-completely empty will kill them from a severe lack of bloodloss!
Give Vitae, Blood Heal, Blood Power, and Disciplines
Finally, near the bottom-left of your screen are these buttons. The bleeding arm is Give Vitae. Using this is done by taking another NPC or Player in an aggressive grab, and then clicking the button. This will feed them a Blood Point of your vitae, useful for creating ghouls, thralls, and Embracing new vampires.
The Open Hand with a plus sign is your Blood Heal ability. This uses your stored Blood Points to heal your wounds. Make sure to keep your Blood Points high to ensure you can recover from nasty situations!
The Closed Fist with a plus sign is your Blood Power ability, this increases your physical capabilities, making you hit harder and helping you drag things behind you with greater speed!
The three (or four if you have an extra Discipline) buttons after that are your Disciplines. These are your specialized mystical vampiric abilties from your Clan. You activate them by left-clicking and can adjust the level of it you wish to use with right-clicking. The Discipline level used is indicated by the number of dots below the icons.
Your Inventory
Should you decide to click on your backpack, you will find that the server uses a grid-based inventory system similar to Resident Evil 4's Attache Case. Items you store must fit within the grid, in order to effectively utilize your storage, keep in mind you can press CTRL and click an item in your hand to rotate the way it fits in the grid. Bigger storage solutions such as duffelbags have more space than satchels, but tend to slow down your movement.