More actions
Camarilla | Anarch |
Prince | Seneschal | Sheriff | Scourge | Brujah Primogen | Malkavian Primogen | Nosferatu Primogen | Toreador Primogen | Ventrue Primogen | Chantry Regent | Chantry Archivist | Baron | Emissary | Sweeper | Bruiser |
Unaligned | Police Force |
Citizen | Taxi Driver | Graveyard Keeper | Dealer | Supply Technician | Stripper | Street Janitor | Doctor | Priest | Police Chief | Police Sergeant | Police Officer | Federal Investigator |
Tzimisce Mansion | Giovanni Family |
Voivode | Bogatyr | Capo | La Squadra | La Famiglia |
Kuel-Jin | Spawner Roles |
Kuel-Jin | Triads | Civilian | Police Office | Millenium Tower Security Guard | Triad Soldier | Chaplain |
Antagonists | Late-Join Roles |
TBA | Exiled Caitiffs | Black Spiral Dancers | Hunter Cell | Sabbat Warparty |
Pages in category "Roles"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.