17 February 2025
- 10:0610:06, 17 February 2025 Voivode (hist | edit) [1,051 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=purple|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Voivode|difficulty=Hard|superior=Prince, Camarilla Justicar|clans=Vampire only|duties=Maintain the purity of the Old Clan, Act like Dracula in a spooky mansion|guides=Old Clan Tzimisce}} == Heir to the Voivodate == Voivode is the title given to an official leader of Old Clan Tzimisce. Originally, the title denoted any Tzimisce with a claim of doma...")
16 February 2025
- 05:5905:59, 16 February 2025 Police Chief (hist | edit) [1,126 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=blue|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Police Force|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Police Sergeant|difficulty=hard|superior=US Government|clans=Human Only|duties=Maintain state and federal law. Patrol the streets. Respond to radio callouts. Keep the armory secure.|guides=Criminal Law}} == The Peacekeeper == As the Police Chief organizing and directing the Police Department will be your job. Take care to make sure your officers...")
- 05:0005:00, 16 February 2025 Police Sergeant (hist | edit) [1,092 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=blue|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Police Force|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Police Sergeant|difficulty=hard|superior=Police Chief|clans=Human Only|duties=Maintain state and federal law. Patrol the streets. Respond to radio callouts. Keep the armory secure.|guides=Criminal Law}} == A Step up the Chain of Command == You are the right-hand of the Police Chief, and his most trusted officer. Work well with the rest of your de...")
- 04:5504:55, 16 February 2025 Sweeper (hist | edit) [1,973 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=black|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Anarchs|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Bruiser|difficulty=Easy|superior=the Baron (usually)|clans=Vampire only|duties=Inform the Baron about the arrival of new vampires. |guides=}} == Sticking it to The Man == As a member of the Anarch Movement, you reject the status quo of traditional vampire society espoused by the Camarilla. A stance (usually) taken by the thin-blooded and high generation...")
- 04:5204:52, 16 February 2025 Emissary (hist | edit) [679 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=black|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Anarchs|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Emissary|difficulty=Easy|superior=the Baron|clans=Vampire only|duties=Keep Anarchs in contact with one another|guides=}} == Sticking it to The Man == As a member of the Anarch Movement, you reject the status quo of traditional vampire society espoused by the Camarilla. A stance (usually) taken by the thin-blooded and high generation Kindred(Though, lower...") Tag: Visual edit
21 January 2025
- 08:0708:07, 21 January 2025 Guide to Black Market (hist | edit) [1,459 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "San Francisco is one of the largest cities in California and comes with its own criminal underbelly as well. Located in the sewers is a small office tucked away. Here, a shopkeep careful to conceal their identity behind a balaclava tends to several choice bits of equipment as well as offering payment for goods who's sources are best not asked for. == How To Use the Black Market == Simply enter the Black Market, located just a tad bit east of the Transamerica Tower. On t...") Tag: Visual edit
- 07:5207:52, 21 January 2025 Guide to Drugs (hist | edit) [540 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Drugs are one of the most lucrative methods to success in World of Darkness 13, and the illegal drug trade is one of the most hotly contested markets in San Francisco. Beyond what is available in the Guide to Chemistry, there is also: == Weed == center|thumb|A Guide to Various Spots one can Grow Weed at == Cocaine == fff == Meth == == Krokodil ==") Tag: Visual edit
- 07:4407:44, 21 January 2025 Final Death (hist | edit) [183 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Final Death is a term used by vampires to refer to permanent death, as opposed to torpor or their first death as part of the Embrace. Category:Vampire Glossary Category:Lore") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
20 January 2025
- 23:3623:36, 20 January 2025 Guide to EXP (hist | edit) [1,216 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == Getting Experience == Experience can be obtained in several ways, this includes: Joining the round: Every Job earns 3 EXP when they first join, and a specific few (Prince, Sheriff, Seneschal, Baron, Dealer, Regent and Toreadors gain an extra 3 for a total of 6 on round join. Roleplaying: Every 1500 characters will earn you 1 EXP, there is no round cap for this method. Working: Doing work can earn you EXP, cleaning messes can earn you 1 EXP. You can only earn EXP f...") Tag: Visual edit
- 23:0923:09, 20 January 2025 Garou (hist | edit) [8,429 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Garou is a term used by the werewolves breed to identify their race and culture. The term is used nearly interchangeably with Garou Nation. There are three clans of Garou within World of Darkness 13 at the moment. The Wendigo, Glasswalker, and Black Spiral Dancer Tribes are all available for play and begin nearby their respective totems. Category:Species")
- 23:0623:06, 20 January 2025 Ghoul (hist | edit) [2,333 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==What is a Ghoul?== Ghoul is a term used to describe a minion created when a vampire gives a bit of vampiric vitae to a mortal without draining them of blood first, which would instead result in the Embrace. Feed just about any living creature a little vampire blood and it becomes a Ghoul, at least temporarily. Ghouls are servants, easily created, and heavily abused - although networks do exist to assist them in escaping their masters. A ghoul’s emotions run to extre...")
- 23:0323:03, 20 January 2025 Human (hist | edit) [1,459 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Humans are mortal beings, just trying to live their lives in a mundane manner. == What do I do as a Human? == As a Human, it is in your best interests to mind your own business, but outside forces can oftentimes cause you to stray from this path. Behind the constant news reports of gang wars and missing persons, one might be inclined to investigate matters out of personal vendetta, professional acumen, or simply a burning curiosity to uncover the secrets buried within t...") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:5822:58, 20 January 2025 Voivode-in-Waiting (hist | edit) [1,986 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Before it was nothing more than a mere colony founded by Spanish settlers, before prospective gold miners or, indeed, those that followed them saw to turn it into a port from which the weary may take shelter from the harsh climates of the west, there arrived one from the East. They came from the Carpathians. Down from the mountains they travelled, across the vast plains of Cathay they passed, and upon the seas they had sailed. They who were of [Tzimisce]'s blood, they w...")
- 22:5722:57, 20 January 2025 Sabbat (hist | edit) [734 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Also known as the Sword of Caine, the Sabbat is a loose organization of Cainites who reject the Traditions. Unlike the Camarilla, the Sabbat believes in the Antediluvians and Caine. Also known as the Sword of Caine, as they believe they will be the army Caine will use to destroy the Antediluvians once Gehenna arrives. In order to survive long enough to achieve position and age within the sect, a vampire must learn how to live for themselves, and to fight for every scrap...")
- 22:5722:57, 20 January 2025 Anarchs (hist | edit) [977 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Anarchs are vampires who reject the status quo of Cainite society. The resulting organization of anarchs is called the Anarch Movement, whose traditional strongholds are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Berlin in Europe. The Anarchs themselves are not a sect, per se; in most areas, they were regarded as merely a faction on the fringes of the dominant Camarilla hierarchy. However, when the loosely-organized Anarch Movement has emerged over the course of the pas...")
- 22:5322:53, 20 January 2025 Camarilla (hist | edit) [868 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Related Guides: Camarilla Culture, Camarilla Law The Camarilla is the most organized of the vampiric sects, an elite club that favours tradition and control of the mortal populace from behind the scenes. Across their domains, they enforce six major Traditions, chief among them being the Masquerade. All clans have an individual presence in the Ivory Tower, though a select group of pillar clans make up the core of its membership. In addition to preventing the gro...")
- 22:2822:28, 20 January 2025 Federal Investigator (hist | edit) [955 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=blue|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Police Force|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Federal Investigator|difficulty=very hard|superior=US Government|clans=Human Only|duties=Collect evidence of extraordinary crimes. Try to rally the police force to handle it. Inevitably fail and try to request backup.|guides=Criminal Law}} == You Against the World == There's something strange going on these last few nights. Terribly strange crime...") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:2522:25, 20 January 2025 Bruiser (hist | edit) [724 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=black|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Anarchs|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Bruiser|difficulty=Easy|superior=None|clans=Vampire only|duties=Protect Anarch interests, stand against the yoke of the Camarilla |guides=}} Sticking it to the Man As a member of the Anarch Movement, you reject the status quo of traditional vampire society expoused by the Camarilla. Generally a stance taken by the thin-blooded and high generation Kindre...")
- 21:4921:49, 20 January 2025 Baron (hist | edit) [1,454 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=black|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Anarchs|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Baron|difficulty=Hard|superior=None|clans=Vampire only|duties=Maintain The Big Shoe Bar's territory, keep your Bouncers in line, mediate conflicts|guides=}} ==For Freedom and Agency== Baron is a title used by the Anarch Movement. By its simplest definition, a baron is the Anarch Movement’s equivalent of a Prince. When all is said and done, a Baron is...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 21:4421:44, 20 January 2025 Chantry Archivist (hist | edit) [617 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Chantry Archivist|difficulty=Easy|superior=Chantry Regent|clans=Tremere only|duties=Perform mystical studies, stay in the good graces of the Camarilla|guides=}} Everybody Hates Tremere As a member of the studious House Tremere, you have an opportunity granted to none other to perform research into the esoteric and mystical blood sorcerous arts. The s...")
- 21:4121:41, 20 January 2025 Chantry Regent (hist | edit) [1,057 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Brujah Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Tremere Pyramid, then Camarilla|clans=Tremere only|duties=Perform mystical studies, maintain the Pyramid's order, stay in the good graces of the Camarilla|guides=Camarilla Law}} ==The Most Powerful Wizard in San Francisco== As Regent of the San Francisco Chantry, you are the one to guide the mystical rese...")
- 21:3821:38, 20 January 2025 Nosferatu Primogen (hist | edit) [1,132 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Nosferatu Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Camarilla Justiciar|clans=Nosferatu only|duties=Ensure your Clan doesn't get taken advantage of. Maintain unity of your clanmates. Scheme your way to success.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Life as a Primogen == As part of the Primogen Council, you stand on equal grounds as the Prince in regards to represent...")
- 21:3421:34, 20 January 2025 Toreador Primogen (hist | edit) [1,202 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Toreador Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Camarilla Justiciar|clans=Toreador only|duties=Ensure your Clan doesn't get taken advantage of. Maintain unity of your clanmates. Scheme your way to success.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Life as a Primogen == As part of the Primogen Council, you stand on equal grounds as the Prince in regards to representat...") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:2621:26, 20 January 2025 Ventrue Primogen (hist | edit) [1,022 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Ventrue Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Camarilla Justiciar|clans=Ventrue only|duties=Ensure your Clan doesn't get taken advantage of. Maintain unity of your clanmates. Scheme your way to success.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Life as a Primogen == As part of the Primogen Council, you stand on equal grounds as the Prince in regards to representatin...")
- 21:2521:25, 20 January 2025 Malkavian Primogen (hist | edit) [1,117 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Malkavian Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Camarilla Justiciar|clans=Malkavian only|duties=Ensure your Clan doesn't get taken advantage of. Maintain unity of your clanmates. Scheme your way to success.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Life as a Primogen == As part of the Primogen Council, you stand on equal grounds as the Prince in regards to represent...")
- 21:2321:23, 20 January 2025 Brujah Primogen (hist | edit) [1,233 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Brujah Primogen|difficulty=Hard|superior=Camarilla Justiciar|clans=Brujah only|duties=Ensure your Clan doesn't get taken advantage of. Maintain unity of your clanmates. Scheme your way to success.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Life as a Primogen == As part of the Primogen Council, you stand on equal grounds as the Prince in regards to representating...") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:0021:00, 20 January 2025 Scourge (hist | edit) [1,151 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Scourge|difficulty=Hard|superior=Sheriff, Prince|clans=Vampire only|duties=Be the front line of the Camarilla, Answer to the Sheriff, Fend off Sabbat raids=Camarilla Law}} ==Life as a Camarilla Lapdog== As a loyal hound it is your duty to enforce The Traditions when they aren't being followed. Should you find a troublemaker, try to have them bro...")
- 20:5420:54, 20 January 2025 Sheriff (hist | edit) [664 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Sheriff|difficulty=Hard|superior=Prince|clans=Vampire only|duties=Act as the enforcer of the Prince, guide your team of Scourges.|guides=Camarilla Law}} == Herding Cats == As Sheriff, you are the biggest obstacle in the path towards anyone wishing to harm the Prince or the Camarilla at large. Make sure you keep a good head on your shoulders and c...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 20:4820:48, 20 January 2025 Seneschal (hist | edit) [1,191 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=darkred|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=CAMARILLA|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Seneschal|difficulty=Hard|superior=Prince, Camarilla Justicar|clans=Vampire only|duties=Answer to and act on the Prince's behalf, Maintain communications through phones or radios|guides=Camarilla Law}} The Prince's Right Hand Generally, a Seneschal is an influential vampire who is empowered by a Prince to act on their behalf on all matters excep...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 20:4220:42, 20 January 2025 Police Officer (hist | edit) [1,255 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=blue|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Police Force|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Police Officer|difficulty=hard|superior=Police Sergeant and Police Chief|clans=Human Only|duties=Maintain state and federal law. Patrol the streets. Respond to radio callouts. Keep the armory secure.|guides=Criminal Law}} == The only thing keeping society running == These streets are a mess. Constant reports of murders and missing persons keep th...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:3019:30, 20 January 2025 Dealer (hist | edit) [785 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Dealer|difficulty=medium|superior=Dealer|clans=All Characters|duties=Push boxes, make money.|guides=Guide to Money}} == Life as a Box Pusher == As the Dealer, you have the joyous ability to order a large degree of equipment from the Warehouse's computer. Unfortunately, all of this equipment costs money. Your mission is to make enough money to g...")
- 19:2819:28, 20 January 2025 Supply Technician (hist | edit) [1,009 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Supply Technician|difficulty=easy|superior=Dealer|clans=All Characters|duties=Push boxes, make money.|guides=Guide to Money}}Access: The Warehouse at the Southeast end of the City Chance of Surviving the Night: High Duties: Push boxes, make money. Let your vices dictate where that money is spent. Related Guides: Guide to Money == Life as a B...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:1819:18, 20 January 2025 Doctor (hist | edit) [1,081 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Doctor|difficulty=easy|superior=Chief Doctor|clans=Human only + 1 Vampire|duties=Take and hand out blood, perform surgery, drive around in an ambulance|guides=}} == I Got a Bad Ache, Doc == As a Doctor, you are one of the few medical professionals with access to a lot of high-tech equipment and know-how to use it. You will be in charge of administering...")
- 18:5318:53, 20 January 2025 Street Janitor (hist | edit) [1,131 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Access: Janitor's Office, near the northern most exit from the city.<br> Chance of Surviving the Night: High<br> Duties: Keep the streets clean of any messes. Incinerate the various bodies found laying about.<br> <br> == Being Paid From Upstairs == San Francisco is a hectic city where murder and blood seem to flow endlessly through the streets. Some sort of VIP Client known as 'The Tower' set aside some funding for new hirees of City Janitors and training on new procedur...")
- 18:5118:51, 20 January 2025 Stripper (hist | edit) [851 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Stripper|difficulty=easy|superior=None|clans=All Characters|duties=Be entertaining.|guides=}} == The Oldest Occupation in History == To be a Stripper is a heavy burden to bear. For you are in charge of entertaining the city's host of natural and supernatural predators. As a result of our Rules, explicit sexual roleplay is prohibited. You can still be a...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 18:3718:37, 20 January 2025 Graveyard Keeper (hist | edit) [1,585 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Rolebox|headerbgcolor=green|headerfontcolor=white|factiontype=Unaligned|imagebgcolor=|img=Camarilla_Logo.svg|jobtitle=Graveyard Keeper|difficulty=easy|superior=Giovanni|clans=All Characters|duties=Make sure the graveyard occupants don't go wandering off.|guides=}} == Keeping a Tidy Workspace == Grave Keeper is a job that requires you to take care of the often-appearing Masquerade-violating walking corpses that arise as a result of the nearby Giovanni Manor's nightly...") Tag: Visual edit
- 07:3407:34, 20 January 2025 Guide to Money (hist | edit) [1,051 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with " There are various ways to earn money in World of Darkness 13. A few ways are as follows: * Delivering Mail - One can buy letters at the Pawn Shop to deliver. When the recipient opens it there will be a stamp included in the postage. Get that stamp and sell it to the Pawn Shop to make a small profit. * Fishing - At the northern end of the city is a Wharf with a Fishing Rod. Take some time fishing and eventually you should capture something good like Sharks and Crabs to...") Tag: Visual edit
18 January 2025
- 22:5622:56, 18 January 2025 Character Creation (hist | edit) [6,358 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Character Creation Menu == The Character Setup menu at the lobby will be many people's first introduction to WoD13. Over here, we will explain in detail what the various systems and optoins for character creation are. == Archtypes == Archetypes are a way to determine your character's starting Attributes and potentially provide some additional bonuses. When making a character, go ahead and choose the Archetype you think best suits them. {| class="wikitable" |+Archetyp...") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:4322:43, 18 January 2025 Embrace (hist | edit) [1,699 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Embrace is the act of transforming a mortal into a vampire. It is the only act of reproduction of which the Cainites are capable. A vampire drains and replaces a victim's blood with a bit of their own to pass the curse of vampirism to a mortal. When a vampire desires a childe, due to loneliness, regret at an accidental feeding, a need for a pawn, or any other reason, the first step is to drain the candidate dry. Any technique that results in a bloodless corpse will...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 22:3222:32, 18 January 2025 Masquerade (hist | edit) [1,582 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Masquerade is an organized disinformation campaign heavily enforced by Kindred society (mainly the Camarilla), meant to convince humans that vampires and various other supernatural creatures do not exist. The Masquerade is the cornerstone survival strategy for Cainites; without it, the kine undoubtedly would rise up and exterminate all the undead. The basics of the Masquerade are enforced through self-policing and harsh penalties. When a breach occurs, the methods o...")
- 22:3122:31, 18 January 2025 Wassail (hist | edit) [485 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Wassail is the last frenzy a vampire experiences - the one that causes Humanity or Enlightenment to drop from 1 to 0 and puts the vampire entirely and permanently under control of the Beast. Once a vampire enters Wassail, they lose control and are unable to be played for the round. The character will be available again next round, returning at 1 Humanity or Enlightenment. A vampire who has undergone the Wassail is known as a Wight.") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:2822:28, 18 January 2025 Caine (hist | edit) [1,001 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Caine, also known as Cain, is thought by some to have been the first and most powerful vampire in the mythos of the World of Darkness. Like his Biblical namesake, he is the firstborn son of Adam and Eve and the older brother of Abel and Seth. He was cursed with vampirism by God and His angels as punishment for murdering Abel and lying to God. Cainite's history begins with a homicidal farmer: Caine of the Biblical story. According to Vampiric mythology, Caine killed his...")
- 22:2722:27, 18 January 2025 Childe (hist | edit) [1,191 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Childe is a term used to refer to a vampire in relation to their sire, the individual who Embraced them. It can also be used as an insult to suggest that a vampire is inexperienced, foolish or naive. The plural of childe is childer, and a vampire's childe's childe may be referred to as their grandchilde. A vampire's childer, can be collectively referred to as its progeny, its brood, or its get. Due to the inflexible nature of generation, a childe will always be of a hi...")
- 22:2622:26, 18 January 2025 Sire (hist | edit) [861 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sire is a term used to describe a vampire who has created another vampire (referred to as their childe). A sire is a vampire that has Embraced a childe. The term is unisex, applying to both male and female vampires (thus a female vampire is not a dam, but is also a sire). Alternatively, the term may apply to the act of the Embrace itself, i.e. one may be said to have sired a childe. Similarly, one's sire's sire is one's grandsire, although that particular distinction ma...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 22:1322:13, 18 January 2025 Blood Bond (hist | edit) [1,935 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== What is the Blood? ==== A Blood Bond, also known as a Blood Oath, is a supernatural link of fidelity and dependency of one individual (the thrall) on a vampire (the regnant), created by the consumption of vitae. Virtually anyone can be enthralled through it, making the blood bond one of the most powerful vampiric tools. The strength of this link varies based on several factors, but it is incredibly difficult to break and likely will have many lasting effects on the...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:3220:32, 18 January 2025 Vampire Glossary (hist | edit) [90 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Listed here are a variety of terms used by members of the Vampire race.") Tag: Visual edit
- 19:0519:05, 18 January 2025 Torpor (hist | edit) [1,182 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Torpor is a term used to describe the state of deep slumber that vampires enter into for prolonged periods of time for hibernation or after suffering catasphrophic damage. Rather than dying at -100 health, vampires will now enter a state of fake death called Torpor. Vampires in Torpor can only be killed by decapitation, getting their heart cut out, or being dealt 100 extra damage past the normal death threshold. You cannot wake up from Torpor whenever you want, instea...")
- 18:4218:42, 18 January 2025 Kiss (hist | edit) [835 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Kiss is a word in Kindred terminology that refers to the act of biting and drinking blood from a victim, as well as the phenomenal pleasure that it provides both participants. For a vampire, the act of feeding becomes highly sensual, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This applies to the victim as well. It is an extremely intimate experience, perhaps the most intimate experience either participant will ever experience. For the victim, a vampire's bite...")
- 18:3918:39, 18 January 2025 Diablerie (hist | edit) [1,561 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== The Amaranth == Diablerie, also called the Amaranth, is a term used by vampires to describe the act of drinking another vampire's blood and drawing their soul into one's own. Diablerie involves the consumption of another vampire's vitae to the point of Final Death, but as the soul is consumed with the vampire's heart's blood, the vampire's destruction is absolute. Most vampires consider it a heinous act, akin to cannibalism. ==Effects of Diablerie== The aggressor, d...")
- 18:3618:36, 18 January 2025 Kindred (hist | edit) [856 bytes] HomuHomu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kindred is a term designated to the vampiric race as a whole, or it may refer to only a single vampire. It is most commonly used by members of the Camarilla who strive to maintain their Humanity – and this is especially true to secularists and party-line loyalists who reject the myth of Caine as the First Vampire. They will often use the expression "Kindred and kine" to refer to all the people of the world. Sabbat vampires scorn the term as an affectation of feigned...")